Picture: Vincy Chan in hospital with a fever
Vincy hasn't been feeling well the past few days and although she saw the doctor and took medication, she showed no improvement. She was supposed to attend the 「深水迎奧運綜合晚會」 yesterday evening but at the last minute she did not show up because she was taken to hospital (due to the fact that her throat was hurting so much, she couldn't even sleep) and later developed a fever. Vincy was put on an intravenous fluid of Normal Saline, the doctor told her that her throat had swollen twice its size (there were white spots around her throat). A swab was taken from her throat for culture and she had an injection as well. Vincy is expected to stay in hospital for a few more days. She had to postpone her plan to do some commercials in mainland China.Source: MingPaoTranslator: dragon888 @ http://asianvn.com