(Picture Top,Stephy and Kary appeared in the blessing ceremony of their new movie yesteday)

Are Stephy Tang and Kary Ng really good sisters?

Stephy Tang, Kary Ng, Hot Cha and the other main casts of the new movie '絕代雙嬌' went for a blessing ceremony yesterday.

Are they really good sisters?

The reporters took the opportunity yesterday to interview Stephy and Kary about the serious argument between them a few days ago. Stephy expressed that she did not argue with Kary,they are just fufilling the director's request. Stephy says "Our roles in the movies are opposive,there are alot of arguing scenes between us,we need to get into the right mood before we begin fliming. Our fans need not worry about us,me and kary are best friends outside the movie,we are just practising for the movie the other day."

(The 2 appeared friendly and played with each other yesterday)

Asked to re-act their arguement the other day

The reporters then requested Stephy and Kary re-act their arguement that happened the other day.Stephy did not appear reluctant to perform infront of the media,she said "Kary is dumb! She always forgot to being her stuffs,she is very boorish too! She spreads her leg open often when she is wearing a skirt." After Stephy said that,Kary did not give a respond and 'fight back' she just said "I am very hurt.." (After a few request by the reporters,Kary reluctantly counterattacked.) She says "Stephy likes to crack boring jokes,she also likes to pretend to be refined. Don't be tricked by her,she does not look like a weak and gentle girl."

(Picture Top,Stephy's hand accidentally hurt by joss sticks)

Kary said that she was really unhappy with Stephy before

After re-acting their argument,the both of them were quite embarrased and told the reporters that they did not really argue that day. However,Kary disclosed that after Cookies disbanded and the members went for individual development,Stephy turned cold and did not interact with her as often as before. She was also once very unhappy with it,after Stephy later explained to Kary that she is too busy with her work,their strong bound of friendship was established again.

(Picture Top,Both said that they will be fighting each other in the movie)

Enemies with each other in the new movie

Although the both of them are good sisters in reality,they will fight for man in their new movie. Kary says "The man that we will be fighting for is still a mystery at this moment." (Is it Alex Fong?) "No,it will be a mystery for now,watch our new movie if you want to know!"

Stephy and Kary will also have fighting scenes in the movie,the director asked them to perform infront of the media yesterday. Stephy says that she will be thinking of some cool move and will show in the movie later. (The reporters thought that she could not think of any moves yesterday and advised her to pull Kary's hair and use hidden weapons on Kary) Kary did not appear to be afraid,she says "I will use my legs to suffocate her!"

Hot Cha's First Movie

(Picture Top,Hot Cha - Left to Right , Regen,Crystal,Winkie)

Hot Cha expressed that they felt very excited as it is their first movie,they disclosed that Winkie and Crystal will play as Stephy's assistant,which Stephy will always scold and bully them. Regen will have a role of an big bully secondary school student in the movie.
Source : Mingpao,Oriental Daily and WenWeiPo
Translated By Edward @ http://asianuniverse.net