Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao, Takungpao, Wenweipo
Translated by: aZnangel @

Moses Chan Talks about Relationship Changes: Couldn't Handle the "Business" (Bernice Liu)

"Moonlight Resonance" will broadcast next week, yesterday the cast members: Lee Heung Kam, Ha Yu, Lee See Kei, Susanna Kwan, Tavia Yeung, Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong and Linda Chung together attended Kee Wah Bakery for the series promotion. Heung Kam jie, Ha Yu and See Kei jie led the lion dance. TVB also especially created a pair of 「溏心載譽掀風暴家好月圓創高峰」 to help boost up the support for the series, this attracted many onlookers. The series hasn't released yet and already there are so many supporters.Yesterday was the Producer Lau Ka Ho's birthday, so the cast members also celebrated with him. The bakery also provided a birthday cake for him as well as special giant moon cakes for each of the cast members. Rumored couple Raymond Lam and Linda Chung also the main focus, the two of them kindly stood next to each other. Other cast members often played tricks on the two, like when Bosco Wong was introducing their characters, Fala Chen and Chris Lai suddenly pulled him away, so they won't be the two's "light bulb", later when Linda and Raymond found out they immediately split apart, to avoid embarrassment

Raymond Lam & Linda Chung gets played

Linda expresses that she and Raymond Lam are good friends, therefore she will not get embarrassed, maybe in the last series (HOG) the characters were too deep that it entered to everyone's hearts. Recently she has been working hard on practicing on her singing because next month she will be releasing her album. Has she asked Raymond for advice? Linda said that he did advise her a bit, told her to relax when she sings. As for the "light bulb", Bosco laughed at himself and said that he just wanted to do his homework and do a photo shoot of them. But, he said that he himself is also very generous, in the series he accepted the couple (Raymond and Linda).

"Moonlight Resonance" has been estimated to receive the most awards this year, especially the male actors can use this series to earn the TV King status. Raymond Lam says that each year, the same thing is said, don't play him. But he has confidence for his role. He believes that there is a 20% chance that he will make it to Top 5. As for the toughest opponents, Raymond frankly said he has not thought about it, but he feels that Moses Chan and Ha Yu's acting have been really good, and that he's really impress with their performance.

Business Running Around

As for Moses Chan, he hopes that audience can enjoy the series, he has done his best. As for him and Bernice Liu's break up news, Moses was asked about it. He only expressed that at the time, he was not in Hong Kong. But he denied that he traveled because he needed to cure his wounds from the break up, his main purpose was to help his company go to Africa for a show. He also defended Bernice by saying: "Give her a break, having dinner together is very normal." He was asked again if he separated with her, he sneakily laughed and said: "I wasn't in Hong Kong watching my business, the business will naturally run around." As for his "business", is he talking about Bernice? He smiled and said that it cannot be said like that, leave some space for him. Reporters teased him claiming that he was unable to control his girlfriend, he laughed: "Don't say that la, Ah Lei Tor Fat!"

[Note: "Ah Lei Tor Fat" = what Monks say from temples usually say]