Source: Takungpao

Translated by: aZnangel @

Ella Koon Being asked of Past Rumors with Ron Ng

Yesterday Ella Koon accepted an interview from a new radio station "Music Connecting the World" 《音樂通世界》, the host asked if her iPod contained the two songs "Don't Blame Her" and "Miss Hermes", she frankly said that she does have the songs on her iPod. During the interview she was also asked about her past rumors with Vincent Wong and Ron Ng. Ella explained that before her friend was responsible for entering the songs for her, so she does not know what songs she had. Asked if she deleted the song "Don't Blame Her" now? She smiled: "I already got a new one, when the time comes probably my younger sister or friend would help me put the songs in." As to her past rumors, Ella said that she does not feel like talking about it as she has already talked about it in the past. Some of the rumors were true, some were fake.

Fear of Misunderstanding

Asked if she and Ron Ng's relationship was true? She smiled: "I won't say it la." She also believes that the audience now are very clever, they knows what is true and what's false. As an artiste, singer and a performer, she is able to entertain everyone in different aspects, she feels that its a good thing. In Ella's 3 rumored boyfriends, who does she not want to talk about the most? Ella said she does not want to just randomly talk about other people, currently she only wants to do her best. As for which of her past rumors caused her to be the most unhappy? She said times when she gets misunderstood, sometimes she says things too fast or didn't answered questions well, it will give an opportunity for the media to write something negative for the news.