Source: The Sun, Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @
Steven Ma Promotes his new book; Alex Fong Supports Gillian
Yesterday Steven Ma promoted for the new release of his book 《圖文並謬》 at a local book store. TVB series production executives Tsang Lai Jan, Ma Hoi Lun, Koi Ming Fai, Tse Suet Sam, Mak Ling Ling, Chu Tsang Hok and Cheung Tung Jo were present at the promotion to support. Jan jie also asked Steven for an autograph. Steven expressed that it took 3 years to prepare for this book, and allowed him to understand that publishing a book is hard work. But he is very happy that there's a Canadian woman who found friends to buy 200 copies of his book and gave it to charity and the library. He felt very touched. As for Lam Ka Yan's only childrens music book that includes a CD, at the promotion she told a story. Lam Ka Yan expresses that before she used a tender voice to tell the story, afterwards a co-worker told her that she has gotten quite sweet.
Alex Fong Lik Sun Supports Ah Gill's Comeback
Alex Fong arrived at the book fair to buy a new book 《心靈綠茶.悟》, to support 「苗圃行動」 fund raising. Alex was at the bookstore and wrote two articles talking about the feelings of the SiChuan earthquake. He encourages the victims to continue and face life. Gillan Chung (Ah Gill) was also at the bookstore telling her feelings from the scandal, Alex also have read the reports regarding this matter, he said that he had no idea what was going on. But, Alex expresses that he brought Ah Sa's new book and got an autograph from her. Ah Gill was at the bookstore and said that she wrongly loved Edison Chen, Alex expresses that the issue has been passed, so let it go, he only hopes that Gillian can quicky recover and that her career could go smoothly in the future, slowly allowing everyone to accept her again, she then would be happy. Alex also said he strongly supports Ah Gill's comeback, because he has to promote a new movie with her. But Alex expresses that he does not keep in touch with Ah Gill, reporters asked that he didn't express his support to her through phone? He said that his support can be in different ways, showing support through the media is the same.