Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @
Raymond Lam & Linda Chung's Romance becomes Yellow
Being regarded as "Future TV King", yesterday Raymond Lam rushed back to Hong Kong from mainland to promote for his new series, but because he was late, Moses Chan and Tavia Yeung played tricks on him. Afterwards he was also asked about his and Linda Chung's couple outfits, miserably was the target to play tricks on.
Raymond charged back to Hong Kong from Kuala Lumpur, after he landed he immediately went to promote for "Moonlight Resonances", but because he was 25 minutes late, he was being played on stage by Moses and Tavia, where they were ordering him to do this and that. Turns out that Raymond wore a yellow colored T-shirt with a vest over it. Audiences from the back misunderstood and thought that Raymond was wearing a sports bra. Later when he was introducing his character along with Linda Chung and Bosco Wong, because Linda also had on a yellow top, the two ended up being teased that they were wearing couples outfit. As to being played again and again, Raymond only forced a smile and accepted it. But, at the event the person that stole the most attention was Tavia Yeung who had on a short tube dress, she claimed herself as a 'Nude girl': "In the series, I am a 'girl', an adopted daughter, so today its especially less."
Admits that he owes Linda Chung
Asked if Raymond and Linda arranged to wear a yellow shirt, He forced a smile and said: "Of course not lah! Yellow is only match my Fanclub shirt. (Couple Shirts wor?) It doesn't matter, the series is releasing soon, just use it as promotion." But Raymond exposed that he owes Linda because for Linda's new album, he was suppose to be the male lead for her MV, but because of some other reasons it did not happen. As for Linda, she also smiles and said that she should get used to be played: "lately need everyone to like me. (Do you like?) It's good friends. (Is it because you like the style?) I didn't say what style I liked, its about timing and fate. (At first sight, did you Raymond have a good impression?) Just friends lor."
Also, last night Raymond arrived in Malaysia to perform, he was well welcomed by the fans there. There was one female fan who has an illness and recently her condition has worsen, accompanied by her mother, she went on stage. The fans mother kept mentioning that Raymond really kept his appearance. Raymond really cherishes the civilians, so Raymond just told the female fan directly to just touch his face, the scene was very touching.