Credit: 「 Lena 」 @
1. 一個人 - Bianca Wu
2. 最後一秒鐘 - Kary Ng
3. 跑步機上 - Joey Yung
4. 你來自哪顆星 - Jason Chan
5. Taxi - William Chan
6. 未輸 - Justin Lo
7. 小蠻腰 - Vincy Chan
8. 寫得太多 - Juno Mak
9. 小野蠻 - Hotcha
10. 明日再會 - Miriam Yeung
二人世界 - Linda Chung
無心害你 - Susanna Kwan
四面楚歌 - Kelvin Kwan
愛不疚 - Raymond Lam
Ladies' Nite - EO2

Charmaine Sheh busy earning money while enjoying holiday
[,, 31/07/2008]
TVB Dongka Fadan Charmaine Sheh appeared at Guangzhou yesterday to film an advertisement for a jewelery company. She has just signed with HKJure for a 7-figure spokesperson fee. Charmaine is not filming any series and is on holiday break at the moment: "I'm currently on holiday. It's going well as I've been receiving advertisement offers for the past month. I will be filming modern series [Business Doctor] with Dayo Wong in October." When asked about her rumored boyfriends, Charmaine feigned ignorance and said she doesn't know about it.
Charmaine wore a set of red ruby during the event and admits being a fan of rubies. She feels that they are really elegant, though she rarely have the chance to wear them. "I seldom wear makeup when I go out, just putting on a pair of sunglasses. However I will still wear small diamond ear studs."
While filming [Turbulence of East and West], Charmaine was accused to be involved with co-star Joe Ma. To this, Charmaine smiled and said that they are just good friends and regard those rumors as series publicity. Charmaine divulged that the 30 episode [Turbulence] with Liza Wang, Joe Ma and Raymond Wong will be aired soon in late September.
Other than Joe, Charmaine was also rumored to be dating TVB siusangs Raymond Lam and Ron Ng, resulting in a love triangle. The tabloids even took pictures of her wearing matching watches with Raymond. When asked about her relationship with Raymond, Charmaine laughed and denied the rumours: "I've never heard of this."
A lot of celebrities are getting married this year and Charmaine admits being rushed to get married by her 94 years old grandma. "My mum did not rush me, but grandma asked when it's my turn since my little brother is getting married next year. When I was just 19 years old, I received a diamond ring while studying in Switzerland. As I was still young back, I rejected his proposal."
Have she found someone suitable to give her a diamond ring yet? "Nope, do you have anyone to recommend? Haha."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @
Raymond Lam & Linda Chung's Romance becomes Yellow
Being regarded as "Future TV King", yesterday Raymond Lam rushed back to Hong Kong from mainland to promote for his new series, but because he was late, Moses Chan and Tavia Yeung played tricks on him. Afterwards he was also asked about his and Linda Chung's couple outfits, miserably was the target to play tricks on.
Raymond charged back to Hong Kong from Kuala Lumpur, after he landed he immediately went to promote for "Moonlight Resonances", but because he was 25 minutes late, he was being played on stage by Moses and Tavia, where they were ordering him to do this and that. Turns out that Raymond wore a yellow colored T-shirt with a vest over it. Audiences from the back misunderstood and thought that Raymond was wearing a sports bra. Later when he was introducing his character along with Linda Chung and Bosco Wong, because Linda also had on a yellow top, the two ended up being teased that they were wearing couples outfit. As to being played again and again, Raymond only forced a smile and accepted it. But, at the event the person that stole the most attention was Tavia Yeung who had on a short tube dress, she claimed herself as a 'Nude girl': "In the series, I am a 'girl', an adopted daughter, so today its especially less."
Admits that he owes Linda Chung
Asked if Raymond and Linda arranged to wear a yellow shirt, He forced a smile and said: "Of course not lah! Yellow is only match my Fanclub shirt. (Couple Shirts wor?) It doesn't matter, the series is releasing soon, just use it as promotion." But Raymond exposed that he owes Linda because for Linda's new album, he was suppose to be the male lead for her MV, but because of some other reasons it did not happen. As for Linda, she also smiles and said that she should get used to be played: "lately need everyone to like me. (Do you like?) It's good friends. (Is it because you like the style?) I didn't say what style I liked, its about timing and fate. (At first sight, did you Raymond have a good impression?) Just friends lor."
Also, last night Raymond arrived in Malaysia to perform, he was well welcomed by the fans there. There was one female fan who has an illness and recently her condition has worsen, accompanied by her mother, she went on stage. The fans mother kept mentioning that Raymond really kept his appearance. Raymond really cherishes the civilians, so Raymond just told the female fan directly to just touch his face, the scene was very touching.

Source: The Sun, Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @
Steven Ma Promotes his new book; Alex Fong Supports Gillian
Yesterday Steven Ma promoted for the new release of his book 《圖文並謬》 at a local book store. TVB series production executives Tsang Lai Jan, Ma Hoi Lun, Koi Ming Fai, Tse Suet Sam, Mak Ling Ling, Chu Tsang Hok and Cheung Tung Jo were present at the promotion to support. Jan jie also asked Steven for an autograph. Steven expressed that it took 3 years to prepare for this book, and allowed him to understand that publishing a book is hard work. But he is very happy that there's a Canadian woman who found friends to buy 200 copies of his book and gave it to charity and the library. He felt very touched. As for Lam Ka Yan's only childrens music book that includes a CD, at the promotion she told a story. Lam Ka Yan expresses that before she used a tender voice to tell the story, afterwards a co-worker told her that she has gotten quite sweet.
Alex Fong Lik Sun Supports Ah Gill's Comeback
Alex Fong arrived at the book fair to buy a new book 《心靈綠茶.悟》, to support 「苗圃行動」 fund raising. Alex was at the bookstore and wrote two articles talking about the feelings of the SiChuan earthquake. He encourages the victims to continue and face life. Gillan Chung (Ah Gill) was also at the bookstore telling her feelings from the scandal, Alex also have read the reports regarding this matter, he said that he had no idea what was going on. But, Alex expresses that he brought Ah Sa's new book and got an autograph from her. Ah Gill was at the bookstore and said that she wrongly loved Edison Chen, Alex expresses that the issue has been passed, so let it go, he only hopes that Gillian can quicky recover and that her career could go smoothly in the future, slowly allowing everyone to accept her again, she then would be happy. Alex also said he strongly supports Ah Gill's comeback, because he has to promote a new movie with her. But Alex expresses that he does not keep in touch with Ah Gill, reporters asked that he didn't express his support to her through phone? He said that his support can be in different ways, showing support through the media is the same.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @
Moonlight Resonance Producer denies bumping Raymond Lam up for TV King
HOG/MR producers speak about the production process of Moonlight Resonances, they two different series
Last year, "Heart of Greed" triggered the "HOG Fever", the audiences were excitingly chasing to see the scenes with Dai Kai and Sai Kai - Lee Si Kei (LSK) and Susanna Kwan, first and second wife battling against each other. The golden lines includes: "Who is a human, Who is the ghost, I can see it with my eyes." and "We are not in the court room, evidence is not needed. My eyes are the evidence!". TVB then hurried to film "Moonlight Resonance", this time won't be using abalone, but instead cakes (moon cakes). The roles are also all switched around, LSK continues to play the miserable first wife, in the last series the sweet young sister Michelle Yim turns into a villain, fighting for "flowery heart" (player) husband Ha Yu. As for Susanna Kwan, this time she plays LSK's sister who is snobby, direct and mean younger sister, also collaborates with Michelle to snatch LSK's old bakery, leaving her in a dilemma both back and front, can't help but excitingly say the golden line "Humans do, Heaven watches" to fight back! The younger generation gets very complicated, Raymond Lam rumored to be the future TV King from this series, where he plays LSK's second oldest son, taking Moses Chan's place as the loyal and caring for family son - "Manage Family Boy" (Goon Ka Jai). For relationships, Raymond and Moses will both be in a triangle relationship. Raymond, Linda Chung and Bosco Wong; Moses, Kate Tsui and Tavia Yeung. Tonight's family crisis premieres again!
Undertaking the last series of breaking TV ratings record of 48 points and was the most focused on at the TVB Anniversary, audience members look forward to this sequel. The production crew of "Moonlight Resonance" (MR) faces invisible pressures, the producer Lau Ka Ho and editor Cheung Wah Bui leads the production of MR.
MR and HOG have two different relationships and stories
Producer Lau Ka Ho emphasizes that "Moonlight Resonances" is not the sequel to "Heart of Greed", the correct regard should be Sister Productions because the relationships and stories are not the same. He frankly said: "'Heart' is actually too powerful, when we needed the whole cast to film a new series, there was definitely a challenge. There were two phrases that constantly reminded us: "Needs to be similar to 'Heart", but cannot be too similar to 'Heart'". The meaning is that the relationships and stories aren't the same, but needs to maintain what the audience liked to watch. This time, the completion of "Moonlight" is a collaborative success, a group of artistes, directors and scriptwriters sacrificed a lot of hard work, I need to Thank them."
Coming up with the Golden Lines, needed to find "Old People Words"
Cheung Wah Biu said: "We hope that "Moonlight" will give audience a moved feeling, actually behind the scenes production crew said that there are many touching stories, everyone worked hard. Following "Heart", scriptwriters were youngsters of 20 or more years of age, they are totally aggressive, where they constantly go home and ask their parents, grandfather what kinds of "old people words" they use. The purpose is to write a good story for families to watch. This time, the series is specially a collective creation, during the meetings each person give their opinion as they put the script together, many difficulties arise." Audience members are also very curious on what Golden Lines that will be used in this series, he said: "In Moonlight, the 'old people's words' were used a lot more than the last series, but as to which ones are the Golden Lines, that will need to be decided by the audience!" Lau Ka Ho added: "Our biggest purpose is that we hope fans would be just as impressed as with "Heart" and will not get disappointed. (A perspective that cannot be defeated?)Absolutely nothing to do with pride (face), being in the television circle for so many years, I understand that its not this is not the matter, the most important thing is to hear audience say that they can't wait to watch "Heart" with its original cast members, don't want to disappoint them."
Michelle Yim's performance of a Villain is very natural
After the collaboration of "Heart", there is a better grasp of the actors' characters. Lau Ka Ho said: "LSK is the pontoon type, others get frustrated, she remains low volumed, everyone then calms down; Susanna Kwan has good speaking skills, all the argument dialogues, is not a challenge for her, she spends a lot of time to get familiar with the script; Ha Yu has a sense of humor; Raymond Lam's last love relationship ended, this time we continued Raymond and Linda's fate, also made him a moon cake boy, a strong contrast to "Heart"; Michelle Yim decided to play the villain, her performance was very natural."
Producer denies bumping Raymond for TV King
"Moonlight" and "Heart" biggest difference is that one ends with a broken family, this one a broken family reunites and ends happily on Moon Festival. When the series started filming, there were negative rumors circulating, stating that this series was to bump Raymond up for TV King, Moses screen time would decrease and won't have a happy ending? Lau Ka Ho had no breathe and said: "Really gonna kill me, the production crew never did thought about this, we arranged Raymond to be "Manage Family Boy" and LSK wanted this series to have a fresh feeling, also we already prepared ahead of time that this will be a happy ending, the rumors are false. But having discussions isn't a bad thing, at least it will be spoken about till the Anniversary!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: kingkongit27 & aZnangel @

Charlene Choi uses persuasive skills and receives 10 karat diamond earrings

Joey Yung, Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) and Yumiko Cheng are highly favoured by Albert Yeung and were given Rolex 50th Anniversary special edition watches priced at more than $10,000 HK dollars. Charlene used her persuasive skills and was further awarded a pair of 10 Karat diamond earrings from Albert Yeung.

Yesterday Emperor Watch & Jewellery Limited celebrated their success on the market, they held a dinner banquet at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong hotel. Political and business professionals attended the event. Jackie Chan also appeared to congratulate them. EEG Stars turned up wearing expensive diamond jewellery. The scene was glamorous. Due to the success of the banquet, EEG's Chairman Albert Yeung was in a very good mood. He gave Rolex 50th Anniversary special edition "Milgauss 116400GV" watches to Joey Yung, Charlene Choi and Yumiko Cheng. Although the price was $ 48,600 HKD but others speculated the price was more than $10,000 HK dollars.

Ah Sa who loves brand name watches, to yesterday's sponsors of a pair of 10.18 karats diamond earrings, was worth $120,000HKD. Ah Sa also would want it for herself, asked if she would ask the Boss, who was in a good mood, to give her one as a gift? Or maybe ask someone to buy one for her? Results, because of Ah Sa's good persuasive skills she was able to successfully have the diamond earring presented to her.

Yumiko Cheng wants to be Kenny Kwan's Girlfriend

As for Yumiko's personality, sitting equally alongside "big sister" Joey Yung and Ah Sa as well as receiving a brand name watch, last night the Happy Yumiko accepted an interview with Kenny Kwan. She laughed at Kenny saying that he was a Stock God and that she wants to be added in to be in the list of Kenny's rumored girlfriends. As for Deep Ng, last night he was the only EEG Artist who wasn't heavily sponsored, he explained: "My company said that they'll lend me one, but I'm did not dare to wear it, afraid that when I'm having my meal, I'll be careless. (Have you ever gave a diamond ring to your girlfriend?) Either not give it, or when I give it, it has to be sharp. I want the first ring I give to be the wedding ring, has a big meaning to it."

Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao, Takungpao, Wenweipo
Translated by: aZnangel @

Moses Chan Talks about Relationship Changes: Couldn't Handle the "Business" (Bernice Liu)

"Moonlight Resonance" will broadcast next week, yesterday the cast members: Lee Heung Kam, Ha Yu, Lee See Kei, Susanna Kwan, Tavia Yeung, Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong and Linda Chung together attended Kee Wah Bakery for the series promotion. Heung Kam jie, Ha Yu and See Kei jie led the lion dance. TVB also especially created a pair of 「溏心載譽掀風暴家好月圓創高峰」 to help boost up the support for the series, this attracted many onlookers. The series hasn't released yet and already there are so many supporters.Yesterday was the Producer Lau Ka Ho's birthday, so the cast members also celebrated with him. The bakery also provided a birthday cake for him as well as special giant moon cakes for each of the cast members. Rumored couple Raymond Lam and Linda Chung also the main focus, the two of them kindly stood next to each other. Other cast members often played tricks on the two, like when Bosco Wong was introducing their characters, Fala Chen and Chris Lai suddenly pulled him away, so they won't be the two's "light bulb", later when Linda and Raymond found out they immediately split apart, to avoid embarrassment

Raymond Lam & Linda Chung gets played

Linda expresses that she and Raymond Lam are good friends, therefore she will not get embarrassed, maybe in the last series (HOG) the characters were too deep that it entered to everyone's hearts. Recently she has been working hard on practicing on her singing because next month she will be releasing her album. Has she asked Raymond for advice? Linda said that he did advise her a bit, told her to relax when she sings. As for the "light bulb", Bosco laughed at himself and said that he just wanted to do his homework and do a photo shoot of them. But, he said that he himself is also very generous, in the series he accepted the couple (Raymond and Linda).

"Moonlight Resonance" has been estimated to receive the most awards this year, especially the male actors can use this series to earn the TV King status. Raymond Lam says that each year, the same thing is said, don't play him. But he has confidence for his role. He believes that there is a 20% chance that he will make it to Top 5. As for the toughest opponents, Raymond frankly said he has not thought about it, but he feels that Moses Chan and Ha Yu's acting have been really good, and that he's really impress with their performance.

Business Running Around

As for Moses Chan, he hopes that audience can enjoy the series, he has done his best. As for him and Bernice Liu's break up news, Moses was asked about it. He only expressed that at the time, he was not in Hong Kong. But he denied that he traveled because he needed to cure his wounds from the break up, his main purpose was to help his company go to Africa for a show. He also defended Bernice by saying: "Give her a break, having dinner together is very normal." He was asked again if he separated with her, he sneakily laughed and said: "I wasn't in Hong Kong watching my business, the business will naturally run around." As for his "business", is he talking about Bernice? He smiled and said that it cannot be said like that, leave some space for him. Reporters teased him claiming that he was unable to control his girlfriend, he laughed: "Don't say that la, Ah Lei Tor Fat!"

[Note: "Ah Lei Tor Fat" = what Monks say from temples usually say]

Source: Takungpao

Translated by: aZnangel @

Ella Koon Being asked of Past Rumors with Ron Ng

Yesterday Ella Koon accepted an interview from a new radio station "Music Connecting the World" 《音樂通世界》, the host asked if her iPod contained the two songs "Don't Blame Her" and "Miss Hermes", she frankly said that she does have the songs on her iPod. During the interview she was also asked about her past rumors with Vincent Wong and Ron Ng. Ella explained that before her friend was responsible for entering the songs for her, so she does not know what songs she had. Asked if she deleted the song "Don't Blame Her" now? She smiled: "I already got a new one, when the time comes probably my younger sister or friend would help me put the songs in." As to her past rumors, Ella said that she does not feel like talking about it as she has already talked about it in the past. Some of the rumors were true, some were fake.

Fear of Misunderstanding

Asked if she and Ron Ng's relationship was true? She smiled: "I won't say it la." She also believes that the audience now are very clever, they knows what is true and what's false. As an artiste, singer and a performer, she is able to entertain everyone in different aspects, she feels that its a good thing. In Ella's 3 rumored boyfriends, who does she not want to talk about the most? Ella said she does not want to just randomly talk about other people, currently she only wants to do her best. As for which of her past rumors caused her to be the most unhappy? She said times when she gets misunderstood, sometimes she says things too fast or didn't answered questions well, it will give an opportunity for the media to write something negative for the news.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @
Sonjia Kwok's 34th Birthday; D.I.E II Starts in November
Yesterday was Sonjia Kwok's 34th birthday, she posted a picture of her and her mother cutting a birthday cake together on her blog. Turns out that her fans already celebrated with her earlier and gave her many small handmade gifts. She was very touched.
Sonjia also says that she needs to treat a meal, she explains that: "earlier 'D.I.E' TV Ratings were good, I promised to treat everyone to a meal, thanking them for their support." "D.I.E" boardcast ratings have been impressive, she will be preparing to film the sequel in November, Sonjia excitely said: "This is my first time filming a sequel, its Roger who brought luck to me. Couldn't believe became TV Queen, working hard to get audience to agree, just I will continue to work hard!" As for Roger Kwok also laughed that he hopes to add "new blood" (newcomers), he smiled: "including me as being Red, adding more pretty girls would be nice, how about Ma Choi, she started out in acting, there is enough fresh feeling there."

Suki Tsui offers advice to Edelweiss Cheung, Ron Ng responds to Francis Ng's comments

Ron Ng, Suki Tsui and Kenneth Ma attended the "活力親子嘉年華" event in Diamond Hill as judges yesterday. Suki states that she was surprised with the Miss Hong Kong results "I wanted #7 Hilda Leung to be crowned as the winner and #3 Edelweiss Cheung as 1st runner up. But the top 3 winners all have their own unique personalities. " Asked how she felt about the new Miss Hong Kong winner Edelweiss Cheung who was reported with alot of negative news earlier? Suki says "After winning the pageant she will change, the company is very strict. " She also offered advice and said in any case people will criticise, and it's best to enjoy the time you have. "

Francis Ng stated in a radio interview, that while filming "Triumph in the skies" he gave guidance to a newcomer. However the newcomer replied by saying "It's none of your business". Ron Ng clarified that the person he mentioned about wasn't him. He says "I was a newcomer and he was an actor who had won best actor awards, I wouldn't dare to respond like that. He gave me useful advice, if I didn't perform well, he would tell me.

Luxurious Arrangements for Linda Chung at Malaysian Opening Ceremony
Saturday July 19, 2008 Hong Kong
Source: The Sun
Translated by: aZnangel @

Linda Chung who has just finished filming "Moonlight Resonance", yesterday arrived in Malaysia for the grand opening of a fashion store. The owner of the store arranged everything for her, giving Linda a 6 star hotel - president room to stay in. Also arranged a luxurious car for them to pick and drop her off and arranged security guards to protect her. There was a large group of fans waiting for Linda at the front door of the hotel, carrying "Heart of Greed" DVD sets, they waited for Linda to sign autographs for them.

As for Linda, in the opening ceremony, she was surrounded by more than 200 guests at the ceremony. At the scene, there were community charity fund-raising activities going on, Linda did not say a word and immediately donated $10,000RM to support them.

Miss Hong Kong 2008: Edelweiss Cheung , against all odds

Picture: New Miss HK Edelweiss was crowned by Kayi Cheung (Miss HK 2007)

The Miss Hong Kong 2008 Pageant took place last night at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wanchai. #3 Edelweiss Cheung was crowned as Miss Hong Kong 2008 despite all the negative publicity of her being a smoker, clubbing and kissed her boyfriend in the street.#6 Skye Chan scored a double with 1st runner up as well as Miss International Goodwill. "2nd runner up went to #11 Sire Ma and she also took the Miss Photogenic award. Hot favorites #4 Samantha Ko and #7 Jovy Leung , although got into the last 5, have lost their deposits

Picture from left: 1st runner up Skye Chan, Miss HK Edelweiss Cheung and 2nd runner up Sire Ma

22 years old university student Edelweiss Cheung was the tallest contestant . Despite gossips about her social life. It didn't affect her score from the judges. Samantha Ko also had bad publicity of her appearing nude had also lost her deposit.

Picture:Skye Chan looked very feminine with her long hairIst runner up
Skye Chan was initially a black horse specially with her short hair. She looked like a tomboy. But last night she had long hair, that increased her feminine look. She was full of confident. She appeared calm. The judges took a fancy of her. She deserved the title of Miss International Goodwill. She was also a university graduate now 24, working as a cabin crew.

Picture: Sire Ma with her sweet smile

2nd runner up 20 years old Sire Ma although having a petite built, she remained calm througout. With her lovely smiles, she came 3rd in the contest as well as winning the Miss Photogenic AwardWinner Edelweiss had so much negative publicity earlier on, even the host Eric Tsang was a bit surprised that she won. He said there was only one person took a bet on her winning the contest.Edelweiss to change her image

Picture: Edelweiss Cheung is tall. She impressed the judges with her sexy long legs
Edelweiss said it was a surprise for her too. But she reckoned she did well on stage. She asked the reporters if they were surprised too. She also disclosed that when she was on stage, she was paying a lot of attention to what she said and how she behaved. She worked very hard indeed . Now she has the title, she would be even more careful about her image. When she was asked whether she would continue to smoke and kiss in the street, she sali she would try to improve her image.1st runner up Skye Chan expressed her excitement . She was only trying to do her best and took it as natural as possible, To her surprise, she came second. She also praised Edelweiss for having a good figure and a very pleasant personality. Edelweiss is the best person to get the title. Skye Ma was asked what she thought about Edelweiss's negative image. She replied Edelweiss had already given up smoking and what she does with her boyfriend is not her business.
Source: Mingpao/
Translator:dragon888 @

Picture: Vincy Chan in hospital with a fever
Vincy hasn't been feeling well the past few days and although she saw the doctor and took medication, she showed no improvement. She was supposed to attend the 「深水迎奧運綜合晚會」 yesterday evening but at the last minute she did not show up because she was taken to hospital (due to the fact that her throat was hurting so much, she couldn't even sleep) and later developed a fever. Vincy was put on an intravenous fluid of Normal Saline, the doctor told her that her throat had swollen twice its size (there were white spots around her throat). A swab was taken from her throat for culture and she had an injection as well. Vincy is expected to stay in hospital for a few more days. She had to postpone her plan to do some commercials in mainland China.Source: MingPaoTranslator: dragon888 @

Sunday July 13, 2008 Hong Kong

TVB veteran artiste Chun Wong drunk and drowned at sea: Life in Danger!
Sunday July 13, 2008 Hong Kong

Source : Shintao daily,oriental daily,mingpao,apple daily,sina news,wenweipo and associated press

Translated By Edward @ http://http//

Drowned in sea,life in danger

TVB veteran artiste Chun Wong experienced pleasure followed by sorrow yesterday. After he had his heavy dinner and became drunk,he lost his balance and fell into the sea.

Chun Wong weighing almost 200 pounds was having a feast with TVB artiste Lee Ka Sing and several other best friends at Cheung Chau yesterday. During late night when he was already full and drunk,he was accompanied by a friend to the ferry terminal,to ride a ferry back to Hong Kong island. While he was walking on the gangplank preparing to board the ferry,he lost his balance and tripped himself,causing him to fall into the sea.

He was already unconscious after he was rescued by the sailors,police and firemens. Because of the urgent situation,his friend had to call in the goverment flying service to transport him quickly to the nearest hospital for emergency rescue.

The accident

According to his friend and passer-bys,Chun Wong's leg was wobbly after he was drunk,his body also has strong smells of alcohol,he departed the restaurant at about 11pm. Because that he was drunk,his friend walked to the ferry terminal with him.

While Chun Wong and his friends were walking at the gangplank preparing to board the ferry,he suddenly lost his balance,tripped and fell into the sea. His friend only weighing 130 pounds was unable to support his body which was about 200 pounds.

The rescue

The sailors was also unable to rescue such a heavy person,they attempted to throw a life buoy to keep him afloat but was unable to get the attention of the drunk man. The captain of the ferry also requested the nearby ships to stop moving,to avoid colliding with him. Helpless to retrieve him back to shore,his friend called the fireman and police for help.

The police and firemen arrived together after a couple of minutes to pool efforts to save him,after being saved to shore he was already unconscious. He was immediately sent to the nearest clinic in Cheung Chau at first but the clinic has insufficient facilities to save him. As the situation is critical,his friend had to call in the goverment flying service to transport him to the nearest hospital for emergency rescue.

More about him

According to the latest news,Chun Wong's current situation was not optimistic. He was being sent to the Intensive Care Unit after the emergency treatment and was still currently in coma. Apart from being drowned,he had suffered serious injuries from falling down from a 2-storey height,the temperature in the water was below 10 degrees yesterday,which had also caused him to suffer from Hypothermia.

Chun Wong,original name Leung Yat Sing,married,60 years old this year was a veteran actor and had worked in the media industry for almost 32 years,with about 20 years serving TVB.He was often given a role in dramas as someone that is fat but have a good attitude.

Source: Mingpao

Translated by: dragon888@
Jessica Hsuan: never saw Chun Wong drunk; the Reactions of his TVB Colleagues
Chun Wong usually gets on very well with his colleagues. After his accident, many of them sent them best wishes.
Jessica has been working with him for years. She described Chun Wong is NOT the type who gets drunk and gets into trouble. She believes it was an accident. " After I heard the news, I phoned my friends to find out more about it. I heard he has regained consciousness, I am relieved. I have asked his visitors to sent my best wishes to him"
Jessica worked with Chun Wong back in 1995 when they were filming Bounce (天降奇緣). As they had a lot of scene together, they got on very well indeed. When the whole group hang out, Jessica always invited him to join them. She recalled " He is very sweet, when we meet up, he didn't drink a lot, I have never seen him drink".
Jessica expressed she didn't know what had happened, therefore she would not give her opinion on his accident.
Raymond and Tracy sent there regards
Raymond also worked with Chun Wong . Apart from working with him, they also bumped into each other a lot in the dressing room. " I don't want to disturb him in hospital, I will wait till he is much better, then I will visit him"
Tracy Yip worked with Chun Wong in " Love exchange" She said " although we don't see each other very often, he is a good team mate, hope he gets better soon" Tracy loves her drinks, she usually drinks red wine when she is out for dinner. But she knows her limit, never got drunk.
Alex hopes he recovers real soon
Alex Fong loved Chun Wong's role in 周伯通 . He said " This is an accident, Maybe he is heavy, lost his balance and fell. I hope he recovers real soon"
Linda Chung : we all wish him well
Linda Chung worked with Chun Wong in " Heavenly- in -laws " We say hello to each other in the dressing room , I hope he gets better soon. We all wish him well. "
Kevin Cheng : nobody wants accident to happen

Kevin worked with Chun Wong in " Under the canopy of love", he was shocked when he heard the news " hope he recovers real soon, nobody wants accident to happen"

(Picture Top,Stephy and Kary appeared in the blessing ceremony of their new movie yesteday)

Are Stephy Tang and Kary Ng really good sisters?

Stephy Tang, Kary Ng, Hot Cha and the other main casts of the new movie '絕代雙嬌' went for a blessing ceremony yesterday.

Are they really good sisters?

The reporters took the opportunity yesterday to interview Stephy and Kary about the serious argument between them a few days ago. Stephy expressed that she did not argue with Kary,they are just fufilling the director's request. Stephy says "Our roles in the movies are opposive,there are alot of arguing scenes between us,we need to get into the right mood before we begin fliming. Our fans need not worry about us,me and kary are best friends outside the movie,we are just practising for the movie the other day."

(The 2 appeared friendly and played with each other yesterday)

Asked to re-act their arguement the other day

The reporters then requested Stephy and Kary re-act their arguement that happened the other day.Stephy did not appear reluctant to perform infront of the media,she said "Kary is dumb! She always forgot to being her stuffs,she is very boorish too! She spreads her leg open often when she is wearing a skirt." After Stephy said that,Kary did not give a respond and 'fight back' she just said "I am very hurt.." (After a few request by the reporters,Kary reluctantly counterattacked.) She says "Stephy likes to crack boring jokes,she also likes to pretend to be refined. Don't be tricked by her,she does not look like a weak and gentle girl."

(Picture Top,Stephy's hand accidentally hurt by joss sticks)

Kary said that she was really unhappy with Stephy before

After re-acting their argument,the both of them were quite embarrased and told the reporters that they did not really argue that day. However,Kary disclosed that after Cookies disbanded and the members went for individual development,Stephy turned cold and did not interact with her as often as before. She was also once very unhappy with it,after Stephy later explained to Kary that she is too busy with her work,their strong bound of friendship was established again.

(Picture Top,Both said that they will be fighting each other in the movie)

Enemies with each other in the new movie

Although the both of them are good sisters in reality,they will fight for man in their new movie. Kary says "The man that we will be fighting for is still a mystery at this moment." (Is it Alex Fong?) "No,it will be a mystery for now,watch our new movie if you want to know!"

Stephy and Kary will also have fighting scenes in the movie,the director asked them to perform infront of the media yesterday. Stephy says that she will be thinking of some cool move and will show in the movie later. (The reporters thought that she could not think of any moves yesterday and advised her to pull Kary's hair and use hidden weapons on Kary) Kary did not appear to be afraid,she says "I will use my legs to suffocate her!"

Hot Cha's First Movie

(Picture Top,Hot Cha - Left to Right , Regen,Crystal,Winkie)

Hot Cha expressed that they felt very excited as it is their first movie,they disclosed that Winkie and Crystal will play as Stephy's assistant,which Stephy will always scold and bully them. Regen will have a role of an big bully secondary school student in the movie.
Source : Mingpao,Oriental Daily and WenWeiPo
Translated By Edward @