Ron Ng and Tavia Yeung celebrated their 29th birthdays with fans. Tavia said, "Ron and I have celebrated our birthdays together for the past years. The feeling is like growing up together. We have special tacit understanding." It was noted that fans of Ron and Tavia wanted the two to be a couple. Tavia laughed and joked that she is older than Ron and did not want an older sister-brother relationship. When asked if she dislikes Ron having so many rumours, she said, "The rumours can't be trusted. Ron is a very good boy. Unfortunately, we met a little late." Tavia accidentally added that Ron is taken, but did not reveal who the lucky person is.
Random FYI: Tavia was born on August 30, 1979 (like Niki Chow) and Ron September 2, 1979.
Translation based on Ming Pao's article on August 27, 2008.
Translation done by cx839 @