Yesterday Charmaine Sheh attended the opening ceremony of Hot Square as the ribbon cutting guest. When asked is Ron Ng is her Mr Right, Charmaine asked them not to mention him. Asked if she avoids to mention him because he is not [good enough], she said: "It's you who exaggerated too much!"

Earlier, Benny Chan mentioned in an interview that he have a love whom he could not forget. Charmaine joked: "Then you have to ask him, because I don't know if he is referring to me or not. It'll be so embarrassing if it's not me! (Do you have any unforgettable love?) Yes, I have a memorable love, but none unforgettable. (Why?) My first love at 18 years old is memorable. I don't have unforgettable love, because people should look ahead."

When asked if she have found Mr Right? She then said: "Not yet, I will let you know when I found one. (Isn't Ron Mr Right?) Whoa! Please don't talk about him, today event is about store opening. (Was it because he is not [good enough]? It's you who exaggerated too much!"

Charmaine expressed that she once planned to get married at 27 and have children by 30 years old. However her dreams are now dashed. Does she prefer having children than getting married? Charmaine was asked if she wants to be a single mother: "I will not reject the idea of having children before marriage, but given choice I would not do that. It's better to take one step at a time. (Seeing store owner Carmen Choi having a blissful family of three, does she have the urge to have children?) I'm happy with my career and I feel happy for her too."

Charmaine is currently on her holiday break until October, where she will film new series 《公司醫生》 "Company Doctor" with Dayo Wong. "I hope will be new sparks because Dayo is very talented in comedy. (Dayo brings good luck for his co-star?) It'll be great if so. (Helping you to win an award) This is too early to say! But if he brings me good luck, then I will be happy too."

Source: Singtao 17/08/2008
Credits: Sehseh's Blog