The "bride" is Charmaine Sheh! On 18th, TVB leading actress Charmaine Sheh appeared at Guangzhou for promotional event by A-Fontane, representing the wedding beddings collection. Charmaine, who is currently enjoying her holiday break looks glowing. When asked when is her turn to get married, she expressed that she is busy organizing her younger brother's wedding and she is still waiting for her other half to appear before thinking further. Regarding her rumored boyfriend of many years; Benny Chan's remark on a chat show that he has an unforgettable and memorable love relationship, Charmaine simply replied: "If it (love) belongs in the past, then it should remain the past."
Benny Chan not her unforgettable love
Earlier, Benny accepted an interview with i-Cable's Entertainment News Channel and revealed in the interview: "I've once have a love relationship, which I thought will led to marriage but it still ended. When you don't cherish it, you will never learn to regret... but I am still waiting." Though Benny did not point out the lady he is referring to, but when the host hinted her as Charmaine, he did not completely deny it either. The reporters asked Charmaine whether she is touched by such sincere speech from an ex-lover hoping for reconciliation, she then replied: "Everything I do, I will consider them thoroughly before making decision. Once I've made my decision, nothing can change them. If it belongs in the past, then it should remain the past." She expressed that in the journey of love she never looks back, only towards the future.
Asked if she had any memorable and unforgettable love, Charmaine did not mention Benny Chan, but instead her first love. "Because I was still young back then, only 18 years old. I am very happy that we are still friends. He is now very happy with a son and a daughter. I feel happy for him too."
Getting married too many times in series, doesn't look forward to lavish wedding
Charmaine's younger brother is going to get married soon. Regarding her younger brother 'getting ahead', leaving her as the only single in her family, Charmaine joked: "I am now preparing everything for him, consider it as my wedding rehearsal! I don't have marriage plans at the moment, wait until my other half appear." What type of wedding she looks forward to? "Actually, I've thought of using the traditional bride sedan in the past because it reflects the Chinese traditions. However it is very difficult to fulfill in Hong Kong. I've filmed many TV series and advertisements in different wedding dresses and settings therefore I would prefer a simple wedding ceremony."
Charmaine revealed that her 30 episodes series [Turbulence] with Liza Wang, Joe Ma and Raymond Wong will be aired as TVB anniversary series during September/October. In the series, she portrayed a sampan porridge seller. Hopefully the series could support her in getting nominated.
Source: 20/08/2008
Credits: Sehseh's Blog