Credits: Yuki’s Blog (Monday & Sudden Weekly), Mayawing @ (Yes)Requested by: MeiMei

Posted by Kat @

Once she saw Lam Fung, Linda Chung smiles sweetly

Source: New Monday Vol. 406

Ever since they worked together in HOG in 2006, Fung & Linda’s romance rumours had been flying for around 2 years. Even though they’ve both denied these rumours numerous times, but they’re often working on shows together as a couple, forcefully taking another rumoured pair Moses & Bernice’s rice bowls (aka jobs / means of living), would there be love sparks flying because of filming?

Earlier there was a night, Linda arrived at Tin Hau first to film a scene about buying umbrellas. She didn’t need to be in the rain and could relax in the air-conditioning. But surprisingly Linda had a very sad face. However, once the scene changes to Causeway Bay, filming a scene in the rain with Fung, she immediately had a big smile on her face. Also, she suddenly rushed to Fung’s side, taking the script in Fung’s hand and chatted to him.

Looks like with a cute guy by her side, Linda is in a better mood!

Caption (top): Linda taking the script from Fung’s hand, Fung had no objections, they’re good friends wor!

Caption (middle): Breaking the phone booth - Fung was in a good mood that night, chatting with Linda and making jokes with the crew in the phone booth.

Caption (bottom): Linda didn’t smile at all while filming by herself at the convenience store. Once she finished filming the scene in the rain with Fung, she was standing there by herself with a big grin, seems like there is something!