Kate Tsui recently had rumors reporting that she didn't get on with Sharon Chan, Christine Ng and Kingdom Yuen while filming the new series "Beautiful HD". Yesterday the series had a blessing event and Christine Ng didn’t attend due to being unwell. It seemed that Kingdom and Kate had no communication at the event. Kate said "We are all getting along and nobody is having problems. We are all just working. When we first started filming I wasn't able to concentrate very well and had to retake several scenes. I know that I had affected others and I apologize, I felt a little embarrassed." Also Kate admitted in Eileen Cha's radio programme that because she wasn’t feeling too well she appeared late for filming and hoped her colleagues did not mind.

The other main lead Sharon Chan denied that she had been grouping up with Christine and Kingdom and treating Kate badly. Sharon says "We have been getting on very well, perhaps it's due to the storyline talking about me, Kate and Christine fighting each other in the series and because the atmosphere is serious that there have been misunderstandings about us. It's only because we had got into character." As for Sharon slapping Kate's face in the series and Kate needing to apply ice cubes to relieve the pain. Sharon stressed that it was the producer's request in doing a real slap. She had also discussed beforehand and taken off her ring to avoid any injuries. "I did not see her apply ice cubes on her face, I think you will have to ask the person involved." Sharon suddenly used "the person involved" to address Kate, it seemed they weren't very close. Sharon said "Christine is my god sister, Kingdom had worked with me in "Welcome to the House". It's the first time I have worked with Kate. Of course my relationship with my god sister is much closer. I also separate who are friends and who are work colleagues.

Kingdom Yuen Admits there is no conversation

Kingdom said "I have worked with Kate 3 times, but we have quite a big age gap and we have different topics." (Does that mean you don't have conversation's?) "Yes, while working we will discuss things about the work but not anything to do with our personal life. There has not been much news lately and then someone has a car crash and gets reported. I had a car crash before her but no one reported about me. I have slapped Christine 10 times or more and no one reports about me. I guess that's just life".

Source: Oriental Daily

Translated by: kingkongit27 @ http://asianuniverse.net/


DarKScoRpioN said...

Kate Tsui is so cute! :) She is definately

one of the promising actresses in the HK movie & drama industry. Love her acting as always. Hope to see more of her movies in futur