TVB new series "The Legend of the Demigods" held a promotional event yesterday. The cast that attended include Linda Chung, Benny Chan, Nancy Wu, Halina Tam, Kara Hui and Stephen Au etc. One of the games they played was to transfer the fruit to the opposite table but weren't allowed to use their hands. Linda was careless and knocked over a plate of fruit. Stephen didn’t care about hygiene and used his toes to pick up the grapes from the floor. Linda and Benny cooperated very well together. Not only did they joke around on the stage but fed each other pieces of fruit while taking pictures. Linda stated that the series viewing rating were around 27-28 points but she had no time to watch her own performance.

Linda who has recently released her debut album went to Toronto for 2 days earlier to do a live show. She had the opportunity to sing 8 songs and felt it was like performing her own concert. However, she didn’t sing her own songs because she was worried the audience may get bored since they weren't familiar with them. Also her album was currently not available for sale overseas. Therefore, she sang other artists songs. "My fan’s in Toronto asked their friends in Hong Kong to help them buy my album. While I was doing autographs, many fans handed me the CD they brought for me to sign. I will certainly sing my own songs for them next time I'm there. Although, Linda was busy promoting her album and filming new series "Dogs on the Beat", she still found time to earn extra money by doing live shows. She claimed that she will go on vacation right after she finishes filming the new series to reward herself for her hardwork. She has chosen to go to Cuba with her family as it’s cheap and a beautiful place.

Source: Oriental Daily, Takungpao

Translated by: kingkongit27 @

Kate Tsui recently had rumors reporting that she didn't get on with Sharon Chan, Christine Ng and Kingdom Yuen while filming the new series "Beautiful HD". Yesterday the series had a blessing event and Christine Ng didn’t attend due to being unwell. It seemed that Kingdom and Kate had no communication at the event. Kate said "We are all getting along and nobody is having problems. We are all just working. When we first started filming I wasn't able to concentrate very well and had to retake several scenes. I know that I had affected others and I apologize, I felt a little embarrassed." Also Kate admitted in Eileen Cha's radio programme that because she wasn’t feeling too well she appeared late for filming and hoped her colleagues did not mind.

The other main lead Sharon Chan denied that she had been grouping up with Christine and Kingdom and treating Kate badly. Sharon says "We have been getting on very well, perhaps it's due to the storyline talking about me, Kate and Christine fighting each other in the series and because the atmosphere is serious that there have been misunderstandings about us. It's only because we had got into character." As for Sharon slapping Kate's face in the series and Kate needing to apply ice cubes to relieve the pain. Sharon stressed that it was the producer's request in doing a real slap. She had also discussed beforehand and taken off her ring to avoid any injuries. "I did not see her apply ice cubes on her face, I think you will have to ask the person involved." Sharon suddenly used "the person involved" to address Kate, it seemed they weren't very close. Sharon said "Christine is my god sister, Kingdom had worked with me in "Welcome to the House". It's the first time I have worked with Kate. Of course my relationship with my god sister is much closer. I also separate who are friends and who are work colleagues.

Kingdom Yuen Admits there is no conversation

Kingdom said "I have worked with Kate 3 times, but we have quite a big age gap and we have different topics." (Does that mean you don't have conversation's?) "Yes, while working we will discuss things about the work but not anything to do with our personal life. There has not been much news lately and then someone has a car crash and gets reported. I had a car crash before her but no one reported about me. I have slapped Christine 10 times or more and no one reports about me. I guess that's just life".

Source: Oriental Daily

Translated by: kingkongit27 @

Tavia Yeung and Ron Ng just celebrated their birthdays this weekend together, they celebrated with their fans. Turns out that the both of them celebrated their birthday with fans 6 times. That day, the two received birthday cake and gifts from fans. Tavia's greatest happiness is that her fans are able to pass their examination and can come to see her, when she saw an A on their report card, she would laugh and say that its the best gift. As for her birthday wish, Tavia hopes that her family and herself will be healthy because recently her health has not been as well as before.

As to the 6th time she celebrated her birthday with Ron Ng, she feels happy as it feels like she grew up with him, there is a lot of chemistry between them. So will Tavia and Ron have a chance to become a couple? She immediately shook her head saying No. Asked if it was because Ron has too many rumors? Tavia denied, she explains that because she is too familiar with Ron, the feeling is like sister and brother, also she is older than Ron by 2 days, so there won't be any "brother-sister" relationship. But, she greatly praises Ron that he's a good guy and does not feel that he's a player. She also believes and sighs that his rumors are met by chance.

Clarifies rumors with Toby, It's a Joke

That day many of Ron's fans came from many different places, including Canada, HangZhou, Shanghai, Beijing, etc. Ron's most happy about his fans making a series for him, the creation had a collection of his debut pictures in it and the gift was very thoughtful. This year, his birthday wish is to have good health and less rumors. He also feels that Tavia and him has known each other for 10+ years, they both are have the same horoscope, have lots of chemistry, but will not develop a relationship.

Also there was a report that said Ron cheated on rumored girlfriend Charmaine Sheh with Toby Leung. Toby admitted herself on facebook that she has contacts with Ron and also posted intimate photos of the two. Ron denied to the rumors about them dating, he said that he never used Facebook, the picture was taken when they were filming "Men in Pain". He hopes that everyone don't believe this, he already knew Toby before he entered the entertainment industry, he says that the report is just a joke.

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily, The Sun

Translated by: aZnangel @

Moses, Tavia, Lee Si Kei and some of the other Moonlight Resonance cast attended a promotional event yesterday, where they handed out mooncakes! Aside from handing out mooncakes they played games on stage (i.e. limbo dancing as you can see Moses doing!) However, it was very hectic and chaotic because the crowd were all fighting to grab the mooncakes.

In regards to the situation Tavia said, "Before it was very dangerous! People were pulling and tugging to get the mooncakes. The basket almost got taken away! I didn't know the mooncakes were such a big hit! No one came to get our autographs." The reporters wanted to know if she got hurt but it was evident with the scratches on her arm by the over-enthusiastic fans.

Michelle Yim and her hair!

It has been stated that her hair looked exactly the same as a character in a Chinese cartoon show. She said that she does not mind, she feels her hair is very current and in. "My hair stylist's friend used my photo to get a haircut just like mine. My character and role requires me to embody the haircut and the clothing style's very unique and special!"

Translated by: timeless @


As you all know, Kelly took part in the Closing Ceremony for the Olympics in which she was very nervous for! "This was the most nerve-racking one because EVERYONE was watching this. From all my performance...this had the most people!" My fiance was watching at home on the TV.

Kelly's Wedding Details

Her wedding dress along with the wedding invitations are all ready. My dress will have blossoming flowers as well as diamonds!

Translated by: timeless @

The "bride" is Charmaine Sheh! On 18th, TVB leading actress Charmaine Sheh appeared at Guangzhou for promotional event by A-Fontane, representing the wedding beddings collection. Charmaine, who is currently enjoying her holiday break looks glowing. When asked when is her turn to get married, she expressed that she is busy organizing her younger brother's wedding and she is still waiting for her other half to appear before thinking further. Regarding her rumored boyfriend of many years; Benny Chan's remark on a chat show that he has an unforgettable and memorable love relationship, Charmaine simply replied: "If it (love) belongs in the past, then it should remain the past."
Benny Chan not her unforgettable love
Earlier, Benny accepted an interview with i-Cable's Entertainment News Channel and revealed in the interview: "I've once have a love relationship, which I thought will led to marriage but it still ended. When you don't cherish it, you will never learn to regret... but I am still waiting." Though Benny did not point out the lady he is referring to, but when the host hinted her as Charmaine, he did not completely deny it either. The reporters asked Charmaine whether she is touched by such sincere speech from an ex-lover hoping for reconciliation, she then replied: "Everything I do, I will consider them thoroughly before making decision. Once I've made my decision, nothing can change them. If it belongs in the past, then it should remain the past." She expressed that in the journey of love she never looks back, only towards the future.
Asked if she had any memorable and unforgettable love, Charmaine did not mention Benny Chan, but instead her first love. "Because I was still young back then, only 18 years old. I am very happy that we are still friends. He is now very happy with a son and a daughter. I feel happy for him too."
Getting married too many times in series, doesn't look forward to lavish wedding
Charmaine's younger brother is going to get married soon. Regarding her younger brother 'getting ahead', leaving her as the only single in her family, Charmaine joked: "I am now preparing everything for him, consider it as my wedding rehearsal! I don't have marriage plans at the moment, wait until my other half appear." What type of wedding she looks forward to? "Actually, I've thought of using the traditional bride sedan in the past because it reflects the Chinese traditions. However it is very difficult to fulfill in Hong Kong. I've filmed many TV series and advertisements in different wedding dresses and settings therefore I would prefer a simple wedding ceremony."
Charmaine revealed that her 30 episodes series [Turbulence] with Liza Wang, Joe Ma and Raymond Wong will be aired as TVB anniversary series during September/October. In the series, she portrayed a sampan porridge seller. Hopefully the series could support her in getting nominated.
Source: 20/08/2008
Credits: Sehseh's Blog

Ron Ng and Tavia Yeung celebrated their 29th birthdays with fans. Tavia said, "Ron and I have celebrated our birthdays together for the past years. The feeling is like growing up together. We have special tacit understanding." It was noted that fans of Ron and Tavia wanted the two to be a couple. Tavia laughed and joked that she is older than Ron and did not want an older sister-brother relationship. When asked if she dislikes Ron having so many rumours, she said, "The rumours can't be trusted. Ron is a very good boy. Unfortunately, we met a little late." Tavia accidentally added that Ron is taken, but did not reveal who the lucky person is.
Random FYI: Tavia was born on August 30, 1979 (like Niki Chow) and Ron September 2, 1979.
Translation based on Ming Pao's article on August 27, 2008.
Translation done by cx839 @

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: kingkongit27 @
Toby Leung & Ron Ng are drawn into relationship involving 4 people, due to a Fake Facebook Account
Ron Ng and Charmaine Sheh have had alot of rumors recently. But earlier Benny Chan accepted i-cable channel's TV interview revealing his previous relationship stating "He is waiting for his old love to return and continue their relationship." Also Toby Leung who has had previous rumors with Ron has been drawn into it, as it was claimed she was going to compete with Charmaine. It seemed it was confusingly becoming a relationship involving 4 people. A magazine reported that Toby revealed she was dating Ron in her Facebook account. But Ron and Toby clarified yesterday that someone was making false statements and spreading it across the internet.
The reports stated that Toby and Ron had previously paired up together in 2 TV series portraying lovers as well as husband and wife. This led them to create sparks with each other. But Ron's rumored girlfriend had changed to Charmaine Sheh recently. Although, the reports claimed Toby didn't mind, her face book account revealed that she was dating Ron and there were also some intimate pictures posted.
Yesterday Toby clarified that she was confused about the reports because she had never signed up on Facebook. Her Management said " The person who is claiming to be Toby on Facebook had been using Toby's Yahoo Blog information and posted the same blog pictures on Facebook. Toby has never had a Facebook account because she has always felt there are too many fake people on the internet. She doesn't know their real identities and not sure whether they are her friends. That is why she will not open a Facebook account. Toby does not know who is claiming to be her and it will be difficult to do anything about it".
Ron expressed that he had received a SMS from Toby explaining the Facebook rumors. He said" Toby said that the Facebook account was Fake, I can understand because I have also experienced someone opening a Facebook account and posting my pictures claiming they were me. I had to warn my friends about it so they won't get fooled. " Ron explained that he knew Toby before she was in the industry and the pictures reported as intimate were just from TV series. He says "The reports about the relationship involving 4 people is just a laughable joke."

Yesterday Charmaine Sheh attended the opening ceremony of Hot Square as the ribbon cutting guest. When asked is Ron Ng is her Mr Right, Charmaine asked them not to mention him. Asked if she avoids to mention him because he is not [good enough], she said: "It's you who exaggerated too much!"

Earlier, Benny Chan mentioned in an interview that he have a love whom he could not forget. Charmaine joked: "Then you have to ask him, because I don't know if he is referring to me or not. It'll be so embarrassing if it's not me! (Do you have any unforgettable love?) Yes, I have a memorable love, but none unforgettable. (Why?) My first love at 18 years old is memorable. I don't have unforgettable love, because people should look ahead."

When asked if she have found Mr Right? She then said: "Not yet, I will let you know when I found one. (Isn't Ron Mr Right?) Whoa! Please don't talk about him, today event is about store opening. (Was it because he is not [good enough]? It's you who exaggerated too much!"

Charmaine expressed that she once planned to get married at 27 and have children by 30 years old. However her dreams are now dashed. Does she prefer having children than getting married? Charmaine was asked if she wants to be a single mother: "I will not reject the idea of having children before marriage, but given choice I would not do that. It's better to take one step at a time. (Seeing store owner Carmen Choi having a blissful family of three, does she have the urge to have children?) I'm happy with my career and I feel happy for her too."

Charmaine is currently on her holiday break until October, where she will film new series 《公司醫生》 "Company Doctor" with Dayo Wong. "I hope will be new sparks because Dayo is very talented in comedy. (Dayo brings good luck for his co-star?) It'll be great if so. (Helping you to win an award) This is too early to say! But if he brings me good luck, then I will be happy too."

Source: Singtao 17/08/2008
Credits: Sehseh's Blog

Source: Takungpao

Translated by: kingkongit27 @

Benny Chan still cannot forget Charmaine Sheh "I am still waiting"

Many people have always considered Benny Chan as a playboy type, he accepted an interview for I-Cable Channel "Anchorperson Guest Room" programme. He personally stated that in his love life he is still waiting for Charmine Sheh and he will also make an career move and mainly focus on Mainland China.

Finally admits his relationship

During the interview Benny strongly denied he was the playboy type, just that he has many friends and most of them are female. Currently he is still single and frankly does not want to be in a relationship at this stage. He also exposed that he previously had a relationship where he thought it he was at the stage to get married in a chapel. But in the end the relationship died a natural death. This has left him feeling insecure about future relationships. Asked whether he could retrieve his relationship with Charmaine Sheh? He says " I am still waiting". He also said that he did not publicly admit his relationship with Charmaine due to mutual respect.

Although Benny had a very pessimistic view on relationships, he was full of confidence and had high hopes in his career. He admits that he earns more in Mainland China than in Hong Kong. He will have a career move and mainly focus in Mainland, he hopes one day his acting will be acknowledged and people will call him "Ho Man Brother".

Credits to NewsFrontier @

Picture Top,Linda Chung in the school event yesterday)
Linda Chung whom has just become a singer has been invited as a guest to sing at a school event yesterday. Linda said that she has already got used to her new identity as a singer. She also expressed that she will have to record 2 more songs before her first music album is complete. Linda's new album will be scheduled to be released at the 20th of August.
Friends called her to ask about the storyline of Moonlight Reasonance
Linda Chung felt very happy with the high rating points for the first week of (Moonlight Reasonance). She revealed that there were many friends asking her about the development of the storyline. Linda said "There were many friends that discussed the show with me, many were also nosy about the development of the storyline. This proved that they were very interested in the drama. I would like to celebrate the success of the drama with the cast,however most of them were busy at this point of time,so we will plan the celebration later."
Talks about rumours with Raymond
The rumours of Linda Chung and Raymond Lam have been on going for long. Linda responded that she has has no feelings for the rumours. She said "At first i felt abit awkward and embarrassed,but now i have no feelings for the rumours as i have already got used to it. Maybe the both of us looked very matched together,so it gives the impression to people that we are couples."

Lee See Kei and Raymond Lam: Earning have gone up

Lee See Kei and Raymond Lam have increased their earnings

Picture: Lee See Kei and Raymond

Following the high index rating of "Moonlight Resonance", Lee See Kei and Raymond Lam have become centre of attention from the media. Yesterday, they were guest of honour at a Mongkok shopping centre. The shopping mall were packed. People were calling her " homa" (荷媽). Her popularity was the same as Raymond.

Double pay or move on

Rumour has it Lee See Kei signed a contract with TVB for $5000,000 HK dollars. She denied that was true as her contract expires next year. She told reporter there is no rush to sign another contract yet. She disclosed "I live at home, I am not going anywhere." Reporter asked her if she would be asking for double pay or else move on. Lee See Kei replied "TVB needs to keep an eye on Raymond, he is very active." Lee See Kei was very excited for the high rating. There will be a celebration and promotion activities by the cast next week. She is hoping she will be earning extra money from that.

Raymond to earn extra money for his new car

Raymiond has been very busy lately. He even had to turn down some work. He is hoping to change his car. He revealed "I have been driving this car for 8 years. I wanted to change to a decent one. The property market is not very stable at the moment, I am not taking the chance yet."

Source: MingPao

Credits: Yuki’s Blog (Monday & Sudden Weekly), Mayawing @ (Yes)Requested by: MeiMei

Posted by Kat @

Once she saw Lam Fung, Linda Chung smiles sweetly

Source: New Monday Vol. 406

Ever since they worked together in HOG in 2006, Fung & Linda’s romance rumours had been flying for around 2 years. Even though they’ve both denied these rumours numerous times, but they’re often working on shows together as a couple, forcefully taking another rumoured pair Moses & Bernice’s rice bowls (aka jobs / means of living), would there be love sparks flying because of filming?

Earlier there was a night, Linda arrived at Tin Hau first to film a scene about buying umbrellas. She didn’t need to be in the rain and could relax in the air-conditioning. But surprisingly Linda had a very sad face. However, once the scene changes to Causeway Bay, filming a scene in the rain with Fung, she immediately had a big smile on her face. Also, she suddenly rushed to Fung’s side, taking the script in Fung’s hand and chatted to him.

Looks like with a cute guy by her side, Linda is in a better mood!

Caption (top): Linda taking the script from Fung’s hand, Fung had no objections, they’re good friends wor!

Caption (middle): Breaking the phone booth - Fung was in a good mood that night, chatting with Linda and making jokes with the crew in the phone booth.

Caption (bottom): Linda didn’t smile at all while filming by herself at the convenience store. Once she finished filming the scene in the rain with Fung, she was standing there by herself with a big grin, seems like there is something!

Gallen Lo: A Sense of Balance
Source: Sun
Photos: Sun
From left: Gallen Lo has been working in Mainland for years, has many friends and hence will not feel lonely; Gallen plays down his feelings, hopes time would heal; Gallen tries to look at everything with a sense of calm and balance, believes there is a solution to every problem.
Coming back after years of working in China Mainland, Gallen Lo is still very much himself, except that he is now again a bachelor.
If time could be turned back, would Gallen do something to prevent the tragedy from happening, to re-write his own destiny? After all, they’ve dated, married, and had a son. Within those 28 long years by each other’s side, they must have shared not only hardships, but also honors. Isn’t it such a pity?
“I really want to say the feelings have been overwhelming,” lamented Gallen. “But then I think it’s part of life - the differences, the difficulties, and I could only try to look at everything in its sense of balance. It helps in relieving the pressure, allows the problem to be narrowed down, allows a solution to be found, sincerely.”
Admitting defeat (facing the failure of their marriage) is one thing, being responsible is the other. Parting as friends, Gallen and his wife share mutual understanding of each other’s cares and needs. Leaving their son in his wife’s custody, Gallen himself continues on to earn their bread from the entertainment industry.

Credits: Yuki’s Blog (Monday & Sudden Weekly), Mayawing @ (Yes)Requested by: MeiMei
Posted by Kat @ RaymondLam.orgLLam Fung same person different lives
Source: Sudden Weekly Vol. 676
Kelvin Kwan has the reputation as “Alan Tam’s adopted son”, without enough popularity but he is still treated better than other singers. However, compared to “TVB’s son” Fung, there is a big difference. Earlier, both of them went to a fundraising night in Macau. When the show finished, there was definitely two different situations, two different ways of treatment.
Caption (top left): Readers with good eyesight, you can count how many assistants and security were there (to protect Fung).
Caption (bottom left): Kelvin needs to wait for the car, while the car needs to wait for Fung, and left with much commotion.
Caption (bottom middle): Kelvin only has one assistant and one staff member there with him waiting for his car in the hot and stuffy carpark.
Caption (bottom right): Last Wednesday (2nd) Moonlight were having a celebration dinner at a restaurant. When they were leaving, the reporter went up to Fung and asked whether he can take a photo? Unexpectedly Fung suddenly became unhappy, kept walking with a dark face and said, “If I say no will you not take the photo?” Just taking a photo, don’t need to be so “inch”! Plus this is a function for the reporters too.