So lately,I've been reading a lot of good books that my friends recommended. Not to mention my school just held it's book fair. A really good series that I absolutely LOVE though is "Private". So far I've read Private,Invitation Only and Untouchable. Another one I love is "Twilight" and as you probably know the movie's supposed to come out in December. But right now I'm reading the "Little Secrets" series. And I think it's great. Totally drama filled as it promises to be and I guess that's just what I like.

I had a dance just yesterday and I guess it was....alright. A bit depressing near the end though partly because my friend was in tears because of a fight she had with her best friend. But I don't think I'll go into that that much. The new Super Trio Show looks like it's going to be fun....don't you think? I watched the first and second episode on YouTube. Here's the first part of the first episode.