So lately,I've been reading a lot of good books that my friends recommended. Not to mention my school just held it's book fair. A really good series that I absolutely LOVE though is "Private". So far I've read Private,Invitation Only and Untouchable. Another one I love is "Twilight" and as you probably know the movie's supposed to come out in December. But right now I'm reading the "Little Secrets" series. And I think it's great. Totally drama filled as it promises to be and I guess that's just what I like.

I had a dance just yesterday and I guess it was....alright. A bit depressing near the end though partly because my friend was in tears because of a fight she had with her best friend. But I don't think I'll go into that that much. The new Super Trio Show looks like it's going to be fun....don't you think? I watched the first and second episode on YouTube. Here's the first part of the first episode.

I love this song.....ever since I first heard it.

And this one wouldn't you agree??

I like to write. Stories,poems, name it I've wrote it. And people enjoy them too. If you have visited one of the Piczo sites already then there is a chance that you would have figured that out already. Yesterday was my friend's birthday party and Monday was her birthday. I spent over three hours making a slideshow for her as half of her present but it didn't end up copying to the disc. So that pretty much sucked. I tried to open it from an attachment in my email but the pictures wouldn't show up. I've figured out what was wrong but she still hasn't seen it yet. I got my mom and dad to watch it and gave me their opinion about it. It was overall really nice. Even I thought so. Since the actual birthday girl hasn't seen it yet then...I'll just post up the poem I included somewhere in the middle of it. Keep in mind that I came up with this while I was making the slideshow off the top of my head. Not think about it for an hour and write it down then type it up. So here goes...

It can be fake
It can be real
But friendship is true
And that we could feel

Always by your side
To help and to care
And every time you hug
It's like hugging a teddy bear

Today's your day
Your time to shine
So don't be lazy
And waste your time

And just while I'm at it I'll just choose another one of my poems to put up. This one I called Jerk.

I really hate you
I hope that you know
I know you've been wishing
That I could just go

Well now I am willing
To leave you alone
What else do you want?
Me to pick at your bone?

You're such a big jerk
I wish you were gone
But really it's been
My fault all along

I know that I'm no one
When she is around
But did you really have to
Keep me on the ground?

It's been forever
Since you last walked away
What's going to happen
Tomorrow or today?

I really don't need
A jerk in my life
It feels like my heart's
Been stabbed with a knife

Although you don't see me
Caring at all
I'm actually starting
To trip and to fall

It takes all my strength
To not cry out from pain
Because inside I am dying
Come on,don't be vain

You know how I feel
I know that you do
You just never believed
That our friendship was true.

Okay,fine. I'll stop playing around now.:). Well,I also have two Piczo sites and one Xanga blog. Probably why there's so little on here but so much on those. If you're interested you could go check them out. Then,you wouldn't be confused all. Have fun!!

And I choose to not share my Xanga one just yet...actually,I probably never will. It's a really shared one between my friends and I after all. Anyway,those will be enough to get you going.