At the start of this year, Gigi Lai announced that she would stop work for a year. But she has suddenly returned this September to help promote her upcoming TVB series “Gem of Life”. TVB has also invited Gigi to be part of a new grand production series, in which she will pair up with Gallen Lo.
It appears that Gigi is still one of TVB’s favourites. TVB’s other fa dan Charmaine Sheh has recently been involved in negative rumours, her image has been ruined as many now see her as the “third party.” TVB executives are not pleased with Charmaine’s rumours, so Virginia Lok personally went to the trouble to invite Gigi back.
Although there are numerous fa dans in TVB, but the fight for the No.1 sister spot has always been between Gigi and Charmaine. It had started in 2005 when the two collaborated for “Dance of Passion”, where they competed for the female lead spot and who got to sing the themesong.
Originally, Gigi wanted to wait until next year before she returns to filming; but because “Gem of Life” is an upcoming grand production series and with Charmaine’s recent rumours, TVB wanted Gigi to come back earlier than expected. An insider source revealed: “Previously TVB had asked Gigi to attend the “Gem” promotions, but she always said she was too busy caring for her brother. Then Virginia personally took Gigi out to dinner to persuade Gigi to attend the promotions.”
Apparently the “Gem” promotions are only the start of Gigi’s comeback. TVB has invited Gigi to take part in a grand production series which will start filming in November, the cast consists of Gallen Lo. ( Kenix Kwok has also confirmed to be part of this series). Everything is still under discussions as Gigi has yet to consider whether to accept the offer. Gigi said “I’ve always wanted to get back to filming, but I will have to check my brother’s condition before I make a decision.”
Magazine scan credits to
Credits: Concubine_L @ AsianFanatics

Sharon Chan performed a show in Sands Macau Casino the other day; she was singing and dancing on stage. Since "Dancing Miracle" 舞動奇跡 her dancing skills has attracted a lot of positive feedback. This time she invited Edwin Siu as her dancing partner who was a newbie compared to Sharon. Sharon was seen to initiate a lot of the dancing steps even though Sharon said he has dancing talent. Sharon's crystal dancing costume was estimated to be worth a fortune.
Source: MingPao
Translator: dragon888 @

New TVB series "The Four" held a promotion event yesterday. The cast accepted fitness tests and Ron Ng performed the best. Even when Halina Tam and Lee Mei Wei sat on his body he was still able to do push ups. Later on he piggy backed Dominic Lam Ka Wah while running on the treadmill.
Will tease Charmaine about the rumours
Earlier Ron and Charmaine Sheh were rumored together. But recently the male lead suddenly changed to Kevin Cheng which allowed him to withdraw from the rumor. When the reported joked that his girlfriend was stolen from him, Ron immediately said "You cannot say stolen, unless the people who are rumored admit the rumors otherwise it's just a joke. When I read the magazine I just laughed. They couldn't even take pictures of them in the same car or of them coming out of the main door". (Do you feel freedom now?) " Hope so, I hope the magazine will forget and I will be forgotten". (Have you asked Charmaine about it?) "Didn't ask, when I see her I will joke about it and tease about that news report. If it is real I will congratulate her". (Do you think they are compatible?) "Its not for me to say, but as an artist, male and females need to look compatible otherwise how can you act dating scene's when filming together".
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: kingkongit27 @

TVB new series "The Legend of the Demigods" held a promotional event yesterday. The cast that attended include Linda Chung, Benny Chan, Nancy Wu, Halina Tam, Kara Hui and Stephen Au etc. One of the games they played was to transfer the fruit to the opposite table but weren't allowed to use their hands. Linda was careless and knocked over a plate of fruit. Stephen didn’t care about hygiene and used his toes to pick up the grapes from the floor. Linda and Benny cooperated very well together. Not only did they joke around on the stage but fed each other pieces of fruit while taking pictures. Linda stated that the series viewing rating were around 27-28 points but she had no time to watch her own performance.

Linda who has recently released her debut album went to Toronto for 2 days earlier to do a live show. She had the opportunity to sing 8 songs and felt it was like performing her own concert. However, she didn’t sing her own songs because she was worried the audience may get bored since they weren't familiar with them. Also her album was currently not available for sale overseas. Therefore, she sang other artists songs. "My fan’s in Toronto asked their friends in Hong Kong to help them buy my album. While I was doing autographs, many fans handed me the CD they brought for me to sign. I will certainly sing my own songs for them next time I'm there. Although, Linda was busy promoting her album and filming new series "Dogs on the Beat", she still found time to earn extra money by doing live shows. She claimed that she will go on vacation right after she finishes filming the new series to reward herself for her hardwork. She has chosen to go to Cuba with her family as it’s cheap and a beautiful place.

Source: Oriental Daily, Takungpao

Translated by: kingkongit27 @

Kate Tsui recently had rumors reporting that she didn't get on with Sharon Chan, Christine Ng and Kingdom Yuen while filming the new series "Beautiful HD". Yesterday the series had a blessing event and Christine Ng didn’t attend due to being unwell. It seemed that Kingdom and Kate had no communication at the event. Kate said "We are all getting along and nobody is having problems. We are all just working. When we first started filming I wasn't able to concentrate very well and had to retake several scenes. I know that I had affected others and I apologize, I felt a little embarrassed." Also Kate admitted in Eileen Cha's radio programme that because she wasn’t feeling too well she appeared late for filming and hoped her colleagues did not mind.

The other main lead Sharon Chan denied that she had been grouping up with Christine and Kingdom and treating Kate badly. Sharon says "We have been getting on very well, perhaps it's due to the storyline talking about me, Kate and Christine fighting each other in the series and because the atmosphere is serious that there have been misunderstandings about us. It's only because we had got into character." As for Sharon slapping Kate's face in the series and Kate needing to apply ice cubes to relieve the pain. Sharon stressed that it was the producer's request in doing a real slap. She had also discussed beforehand and taken off her ring to avoid any injuries. "I did not see her apply ice cubes on her face, I think you will have to ask the person involved." Sharon suddenly used "the person involved" to address Kate, it seemed they weren't very close. Sharon said "Christine is my god sister, Kingdom had worked with me in "Welcome to the House". It's the first time I have worked with Kate. Of course my relationship with my god sister is much closer. I also separate who are friends and who are work colleagues.

Kingdom Yuen Admits there is no conversation

Kingdom said "I have worked with Kate 3 times, but we have quite a big age gap and we have different topics." (Does that mean you don't have conversation's?) "Yes, while working we will discuss things about the work but not anything to do with our personal life. There has not been much news lately and then someone has a car crash and gets reported. I had a car crash before her but no one reported about me. I have slapped Christine 10 times or more and no one reports about me. I guess that's just life".

Source: Oriental Daily

Translated by: kingkongit27 @

Tavia Yeung and Ron Ng just celebrated their birthdays this weekend together, they celebrated with their fans. Turns out that the both of them celebrated their birthday with fans 6 times. That day, the two received birthday cake and gifts from fans. Tavia's greatest happiness is that her fans are able to pass their examination and can come to see her, when she saw an A on their report card, she would laugh and say that its the best gift. As for her birthday wish, Tavia hopes that her family and herself will be healthy because recently her health has not been as well as before.

As to the 6th time she celebrated her birthday with Ron Ng, she feels happy as it feels like she grew up with him, there is a lot of chemistry between them. So will Tavia and Ron have a chance to become a couple? She immediately shook her head saying No. Asked if it was because Ron has too many rumors? Tavia denied, she explains that because she is too familiar with Ron, the feeling is like sister and brother, also she is older than Ron by 2 days, so there won't be any "brother-sister" relationship. But, she greatly praises Ron that he's a good guy and does not feel that he's a player. She also believes and sighs that his rumors are met by chance.

Clarifies rumors with Toby, It's a Joke

That day many of Ron's fans came from many different places, including Canada, HangZhou, Shanghai, Beijing, etc. Ron's most happy about his fans making a series for him, the creation had a collection of his debut pictures in it and the gift was very thoughtful. This year, his birthday wish is to have good health and less rumors. He also feels that Tavia and him has known each other for 10+ years, they both are have the same horoscope, have lots of chemistry, but will not develop a relationship.

Also there was a report that said Ron cheated on rumored girlfriend Charmaine Sheh with Toby Leung. Toby admitted herself on facebook that she has contacts with Ron and also posted intimate photos of the two. Ron denied to the rumors about them dating, he said that he never used Facebook, the picture was taken when they were filming "Men in Pain". He hopes that everyone don't believe this, he already knew Toby before he entered the entertainment industry, he says that the report is just a joke.

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily, The Sun

Translated by: aZnangel @

Moses, Tavia, Lee Si Kei and some of the other Moonlight Resonance cast attended a promotional event yesterday, where they handed out mooncakes! Aside from handing out mooncakes they played games on stage (i.e. limbo dancing as you can see Moses doing!) However, it was very hectic and chaotic because the crowd were all fighting to grab the mooncakes.

In regards to the situation Tavia said, "Before it was very dangerous! People were pulling and tugging to get the mooncakes. The basket almost got taken away! I didn't know the mooncakes were such a big hit! No one came to get our autographs." The reporters wanted to know if she got hurt but it was evident with the scratches on her arm by the over-enthusiastic fans.

Michelle Yim and her hair!

It has been stated that her hair looked exactly the same as a character in a Chinese cartoon show. She said that she does not mind, she feels her hair is very current and in. "My hair stylist's friend used my photo to get a haircut just like mine. My character and role requires me to embody the haircut and the clothing style's very unique and special!"

Translated by: timeless @
