What do you think of this controversial Vanity Fair photo scandal? I agree that people should try to see past that one picture to the rest of the photo shoot but then again I also don't completely agree with what happened. I don't know...what do you think?

Do you remember “Heart of Greed”? After Alfred (played by Lam Fung) was in a car accident, he insisted on calling Seung Joi Sum in the phone booth and realised his dream. As they say life imitates art, in real life Fung also has this persistence, and works continuously to achieve his dreams. Today, let this young guy with drive and passion share his life philosophies.

Role as a big brother

Many parents will place high hopes on their eldest son, and hope he will set a good example for his younger siblings. As the eldest son in his family, does Fung feel a lot of pressure? “Since we were young, my parents had taught us that regardless of who is right or wrong, as the eldest brother I will always get punished! So everytime my younger brother or sister gets into trouble, I will also be punished! But because of this strict upbringing, I’ve grown up to be more careful and also taking thing seriously. Now I work in front of the camera, I always remind myself so I won’t make mistakes.” As the eldest brother in the family he gets punished often even if it’s not his fault, Fung laughs and says maybe because of this his brother and sister now respect him a lot as he had to be the “target” of punishments.

Calling home every hour

Many people know that Fung has a strict family, so now he has developed good self-discipline. “When I was young I wasn’t allowed to go out at night. After school I have to go home straight away and if I was late I had to explain it to my family. I remember once when I went home late Dad’s punishment was me kneeling on the floor, and he used the broom stick to hit me. The force even made the broom stick bent!” Ever since, Fung has learnt to be more responsible, “Everytime I went out with friends, I would call home every hour and tell them I’m safe, so they will not be worried.” Many people would view calling home every hour as very tedious, plus it’s a very difficult thing to do for many rebellious youths. “Maybe it’s because I’m the eldest son, I knew how to step into other person’s shoes and be aware of their feelings, if this can make my family less worried, why wouldn’t I do it? My family never had the notion of “owning something for ourselves”, we would give selflessly and also like to share. Everything we do, our first priority is “the family”.” As he always think for others no wonder Fung can be harmonious with many different people!

How you live is how you act

The Fung in front of us has a good upbringing (bad translation I know, but I can’t think of anything else! - translator) and gives people the impression that he’s is dependable. Actually, he was already like this when he was still studying. “My father’s teaching is ‘before doing something, you need to learn how to be a person’ the philosophy I still remember it now. As I am the eldest, my parents would take me to social functions when I was younger. As I see more of the world I learnt more and know how to handle different situations and can do it better than others.” To learn how to handle different situations, Fung says the best place to learn is at school. “At school there are different types of students, some are ‘bookworms’ - weaker when it comes to organising activities, some are very outgoing - but their results are not the best.” Fung laughs and says he is of the latter kind, and participated in many extracurricular activities. “I was part of the school swimming team, also participated in recitations, and was the conductor of the choir! I think students should participate in extracurricular activities, meet students from different years, expand your circle of friends, meet more people so you can learn how to deal with others.” But Fung emphasises, studying is still the foundation, so young people should concentrate on their studies.

What you can solve yourself is not a problem

Fung had studied architecture at University of Southern California. By coincidence he did not continue his studies and entered the entertainment industry. When asked about his struggles when he first entered the industry, he says, “for a 19 year old guy it was a huge decision. My parents were actually very worried. But I feel whatever I can solve myself is not a problem. So I decided to give it a try. I believe that in life you have to keep on trying to have the chance of success!” All parents in this world love their kids. When he first entered the industry, his parents worried a lot, but after visiting him on the set once, their worries were gone. “They came to visit me when I was filming in China, they saw that I was taking my work seriously and when I was tired I fell asleep on horseback. Since then, they understand that I’m not just fooling around and actually work very hard. Then they are not worried anymore.” Fung says playfully, now when his parents call when he is working, they will hang up immediately. So he doesn’t have to call them every hour like he used to!

Don't care about reporters

The famous people would normally avoid the gossip magazines and paparazzi, Fung is not an exception. Even though during holidays he can go yum cha with his family, but his family are afraid of going out to eat with him. And he would rather spend time resting at home, to avoid the reporters making up reports and taking photos. “The development of photo altering technologies is scary, so whatever effect you would like, you can do that on the computer.” In the past there had been conflicts between artists and the paparazzi, so has Fung thought about taking action to fight back? “Of course not, this will just waste my time and energy. It’s better to concentrate on tomorrow’s work.”

Fight for life

Even though he could’ve been an architect, but Fung chose the uncertain path of being in the entertainment industry. This puzzles a lot of people. Fung says with ease, “At different times, everyone had to face a decision-making moment, the most important is to understand your abilities and hobbies, then give everything to achieve it after careful thought. Then just do your best!” Fung started off as an unknown actor and now he is an actor/singer and an idol for many youths. This is the result of his beliefs. Fung points to his eye bags and says, “I had expected a lot of hard work before I entered this industry. I decided on this path because I wanted to challenge myself, see this eye bag of mine, previously I didn’t have any dark circles!” Everyone laughed after hearing this.


When we met him for the first time, in the beginning Fung introduced himself, “I’m Lam Fung ar!” He is easygoing and also gives the impression of being a big kid. During the interview we understood his emotions throughout his career. Through him we’ve learn “What you get is what you put in”. If you want to succeed there are no shortcuts. Looks like Fung had put in a lot of hardwork in the background! Young people should set goals and work towards them wholeheartedly. The readers of “Kidults” - we believe that you can do it too!

Source: Kidults Mag April/TVB Girl http://tvbgirl.blogspot.com/

Translated by Kat @ http://raymondlam.org/

Mag scanned by Dream@ http://bbs.raymondforest.com/

Yesterday when Raymond attended a function he originally wanted to tell the reporters about how Moses Chan turns red everytime at the mention of rumoured girlfriend Bernice Liu. But when the reporters spoke of Raymond's rumoured girlfriend,Linda Chung, his ears actually turned red themselves!

Raymond Lam and Leila Tong attended a promotional event for CLINIQUE makeup brand in Macau yesterday. Many fans went to support their idols,especially taking a ship ride from Hong Kong to Macau. Raymond stated that he was filming an outdoors scene for new series Heart of Greed2,therefore he got a helicopter ride over.

Making Fun of Moses Turning Red Easily

When mentioned collaborating actor Moses Chan in the series turning red at the mention of rumored girlfriend Bernice Liu at a recent function Raymond laughs and says "He not only turns red when Bernice is mentioned by other people,he also turns red when he himself mentions her." But when the reporters asked if he would have the same reaction when mentioning his rumored girlfriend Linda Chung,he started off laughing and saying "Do you see me turning red?" but when the reporters pointed out that his ears were indeed turning red later on he continued laughing and says "My ears turn red easily on the compared to the surface but Moses ears turn red easily on the block surface". Raymond also admitted that earlier he was ill and did take some medications. But he indicated that it didn't interfere with the filming of HOG2 because they were "rushing for it to be broadcasted during the Mis Autumn Festical". Raymond said that his mother did return to Hong Kong recently and he also joked that every time she would tell him what presents she wanted.

Leila Tong who has just finished filming the series <盛 世 人 傑> said that she will be going back to mainland to film a costume series. Yesterday when asked about the bandages seen around her ear she explains "Recently,I've been doing ear hole therapy to treat my body because when filming <盛> I was coughing a lot. Ken 哥 ( 鄭 則 士 )introduced me to go see,now I'm feeling a lot better!" Leila expressed that she wants to cook an Indian meal for her mother on Mother's Day.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: Me